Jewelry can be so many things - sentimental or practical, part of your everyday life or something for a special occasion. It can also be a creative outlet! This week we've had some fun playing with color and putting together different stacks with our Jamie Joseph rings - we have a few new rings that just arrived! Enjoy the gemstones - we hope these beauties put a smile on your face today, or inspire you to play around with color and stacking! |
Deep Blue This stack is like sunken treasure from the deepest blue sea. Gold dust and swirls of black, turquoise, and ultramarine...a dreamy combination with this new Jamie Joseph boulder opal ring. Blue is the color of peace, honesty, and confidence. Shop This Stack: Jamie Joseph Boulder Opal Ring, Zoe Chicco Small Eye Ring, Jane Diaz Gold Plated Single Labradorite Ring and Silver Little Crescent Moon Ring, Pat Flynn Iron Nail Bracelet with 22k Gold Dust, Scout Delicate Turquoise Wrap, and Chan Luu Iris Blue Enamel Dot & Diamond Bracelet
Clay, Copper, Coral Earthy red and orange tones for energy, strength and adventure. These pieces are soft but also strong - they feel grounded and ancient like the fossil coral of this Jamie Joseph ring and the tough iron of Pat Flynn's nail bracelet. Shop This Stack: Jamie Joseph Fossilized Coral Ring, Ania Haie Silver Modern Double Wrap Ring, Anne Sportun Ombre Sunstone Wrap, Pat Flynn Iron Nail Bracelet with 3 Diamonds, Ania Haie Silver Bohemia Bracelet
Luminous Gray Anything but boring, grey stones like labradorite and gray moonstone always steal our hearts. They have a subtle sparkle like a misty morning, and gray is thought to be soothing, stabilizing, and reliable. We love wearing gray stones with gold & silver. Shop This Stack: Jamie Joseph Grey Moonstone Ring with Satellite Diamonds, Adel Chefridi Seeds of Harmony Charm Ring, Colleen Mauer Black & Gold Gibbous Cuff Bracelet, Chan Luu Mystic Labradorite Bracelet, Ed Levin Bindu Bracelet
Glowing Green Green is the color of harmony, growth, hope, and luck. Tourmaline, onyx, and moonstone all occur in amazing green hues ranging from bright and deep to pale and soft. We love them all! Shop This Stack: Jamie Joseph Inverted Green Tourmaline Ring, Jamie Joseph Whitewater Turquoise Ring, Anne Sportun Ombre Ocean Wrap, Zoe Chicco Double Chain Bracelet, Chan Luu Green Enamel & Diamond Dot Bracelet
Shop The Last Stack: Jamie Joseph Green Moonstone Ring, Jane Diaz Hand Carved Silver Band, Ania Haie Gold Luxe Band Ring, Thai Silver Stamped Knife Edge Cuff, Sarah McGuire 10k Gold Hammered Tee Shirt Cuff, Anne Sportun Ombre Green Tourmaline Wrap